Last update: Janurary 1st, 2024
Welcome to Iparty! Your use of Iparty isgoverned by these terms of service (these "terms")Thank you for reading these terms we hope you enjoy using Iparty. The platform only servesthe countries where the app store is listed, and allproblems arising from the use of users in theunlisted areas shall be borne by themselves. lf you have any questions about these terms or want to send us any notice related to these terms, pleasecontact us at [email protected].
1. Contracting Entity
When using this service, you will be bound by Iparty's privacy policy, Iparty's community conventions, and broadcaster agreements, and you will be subject to otherservices published on this service or provided to you or applicable to specific services and functions. Information related to this type of service disclosed to you is subject to guidelines or rules.We may also provide certain paid services that are subject to any additional terms or conditions related to such services disclosed to you.
We may decide to modify this agreement from time to time. The current version can be found inthe following link: Setting>Terms of Service. By continuing to use our services, you agree to be bound by the revised agreement.
You must be at least 18 years old to use our services and in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of your country/region, you are not subject to the legal age limit for signing this agreement.
We may translate these terms into multiple languages. lf there is a discrepancy between the English version of these terms and any other language version, the English version shall prevail(within the scope permitted by applicable laws and regulations).
2. Service Content
Our mission is to enable people to build communities, connect the world, and share goodtimes. In order to help advance this mission withthe vision of becoming a content platform thatinspires the lives of 1 billion people, we provideyou with the following services:
1)User-generated content.
2)Help you discover the content, products, andservices that you may be interested in.
3)We show you advertisements, offers, andother sponsored content to help you discover the content, products, and services provided by many companies and organizations that use Iparty
4)Fight against harmful behaviors, protect, and support our communities.
5)We hire dedicated teams around the worldand develop advanced technology systems todetect abuse of our services, behaviors harmful toothers, and situations where we may be able to help support or protect our community. lf we learn of such content or behavior, we will take appropriate action-for example, provide help,delete content, delete or restrict access to certainfeatures, disable accounts, or contact law enforcement.
6)Visit our services around the world
7)In order to operate our global services, we need to store and distribute content and data inour data centers and systems around the world,including areas outside your country of residence.This infrastructure may be operated or controlled by OCEAN MARKETING ADVERTISING COMPANYLIMITED and its subsidiaries.
3. Account
In order to open an account, you need to provideus with certain information such as an accountname and password.
You are solely responsible for maintaining theconfidentiality of your account and password,restricting access to your computer, and allactivities that occur under your account orpassword.Please ensure that the information youprovide to Iparty during registration and allother times is true, accurate, current, and complete to the best of your knowledge.
We may allow you to register and log in to services through certain third-party services. The third party's collection, use, and disclosure of your information will be subject to the privacy policy ofthat third party's service. For more information about how Iparty collects, uses, and discloses your personal information when you associate your Iparty account with your account on anythird-party service, please refer to our privacy policy.
We reserve the right to disable your user accountat any time, including if you fail to comply with anyof these terms or if something happens on your account, at our sole discretion, that will or maydamage or damage the service or infringe or violate any third party rights or violate any applicable laws or regulations.
If you no longer want to use our services and wantto delete your account, we can handle it for you.Please contact us at [email protected]. Wewill provide you with further assistance and guideyou through the whole process. Once you chooseto delete your account, you will not be able toreactivate your account or retrieve any content orinformation you have added.
4. Privacy
Your privacy is important to Iparty. Forinformation about how we collect, use, anddisclose your personal information and how youmanage online privacy when using the service,please refer to our privacy policy.
5. Use of Services
Your access to and use of the service are subjectto these terms and all applicable laws andregulations. You agree that you will abide by theseterms of service and Iparty communityguidelines and will not:
1)Create, upload, transmit, distribute, or storeany inaccurate, illegal, infringing, defamatory,obscene, pornographic, infringement of privacy orpublicity rights, harassment, threats, abusive,inflammatory, or other offensive content;
2)Pretend to be any person or entity, falselyclaim to be associated with any person or entity, oraccess others Iparty account without permission, forge the identity of others or the content of information transmitted through theservice, or conduct any other similar fraudulent activities;
3)Defame, harass, abuse, threaten, or deceiveusers of Iparty or collect or attempt to collect personal information about users or third parties without the consent of users or third parties;
4)Delete, circumvent, disable, damage, orotherwise interfere with the security-relatedfunctions of the service or user content, prevent orrestrict the use or copy of any content accessible through the service, enforce restrictions on the use of the service or user content, or delete Copyright or other proprietary notices of services or user content;
5)Reverse engineering, decompiling,disassembling, or otherwise attempting to discoverthe source code of the service or any part of itunless and only within the scope of the law in yourplace of residence that clearly allows this activity;
6)Modify, adapt, translate, or create derivative works based on the service or any part there of unless and only within the scope of such activities explicitly permitted by applicable laws despite this restriction;
7)Interfere with or damage the operation of the service or the enjoyment of the service by any userin any way, including uploading or disseminating viruses, adware, spyware, worms, or other malicious code in other ways;
8)Manipulate the identifier to cover up thesource of any user content transmitted throughthe Iparty service;
9)Interfere with or destroy the service or theserver or network connected to the service orviolate any requirements, procedures, policies, orregulations of the network connected to theservice; use in any way that may interfere, destroy negatively affect, or prevent other users from fully enjoying the service or services or functions that may be damaged, disabled, over burdened, or impaired in any way;
10)Try to circumvent any content filtering technology we have adopted or try to access anyservice or service area that you do not have theright to access;
11)Use the service for any illegal purpose orviolate any local, state, national, or internationallaws or regulations, including but not limited tolaws governing intellectual property rights andother proprietary rights, data protection, andprivacy.
Iparty shall not be liable for any user contentor any loss or damage caused thereby, and MazagLive shall not be liable for any errors, defamation,omission, falsehood, obscenity, pornography, orprofanity that you may encounter in the followingsituations. In order to maintain the standardcontent of the platform, we will regularly checkand delete the illegal content and your use of theservice is at your own risk. In addition, these rulesdo not create any private litigation rights againstany third party nor do they have any reasonableexpectation that the service does not contain anycontent prohibited by such rules.
Iparty is not responsible for any statementsor statements contained in user content. Iparty does not endorse any user content, opinions,recommendations,or suggestions expressed there in and Iparty expressly refuses to assume any and all responsibilities related to user content. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, Iparty reserves the right to delete, filter, or edit any user content posted orstored on the service at any time without notice,including such user content that violates these service terms of use or applicable laws, and youare solely responsible for creating backup copiesand replacing any user content you publish orstore on the service at your own expense.
Any use of the service in violation of the foregoing violates these service terms and may result in(among other things) the termination or suspension of your rights to use the service.
Your use of our services is at your own risk. You understand and agree that Iparty services areprovided to you on an "as is" and "as availablebasis. To the maximum extent permitted byapplicable laws, OCEAN MARKETINGADVERTISING COMPANY LIMITED, its affiliates.related companies, officers, directors, employeesagents, representatives, partners, and licensors(collectively referred to as "covered entities")hereby expressly waive all express or impliedguarantees of any kind, including but not limited to guarantees of merchantability, applicability, or non-infringement. Without limiting the foregoing!the covered entity does not guarantee and is notresponsible for:
(a) Iparty service meeting your requirements
(b) Iparty service being uninterrupted, timelysafe, or error-free;
(c)the accuracy or reliability of the informationobtained through Iparty service;
(d) any errors in the service or software will becorrected. The service or any part of it, or anyfunction or part thereof, may be changed.restricted, suspended, or terminated by us or ourservice providers at any time without notice orliability.
7. Limitation of Liability
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, the covered entity shall not be liable for anyloss or damage of any kind, directly or indirectly related to or arising from:
(a) the service;
(b) the use of the service or the inability to use theservice, or the performance of the service;
(c) any action taken in connection with the investigation by the covered entity or law enforcement agencies on the use of the service by you or any other party;
(d) any action taken in connection with the owner of the copyright or other intellectual propertyrights;
(e) any errors or omissions in the service operation;
(f) any damage to the user's computer, mobiledevice, or other equipment or technology. lf youare dissatisfied with the service, your only solutionis to stop using the service.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicablelaws, in no event shall the covered entity be liablefor any direct, indirect, special, punitive,exemplary, incidental, or consequential damages,or any loss of profit or income, whether or not ithas been notified of the possibility of such damages, arising in any way from the use of the service.Some jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages, so some of the abovelimitations and exclusions may not apply to you.
You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmlessthe covered entities from and against any and allclaims, damages, losses, liabilities, costs, andexpenses (including but not limited to attorneysfees) arising from:
(a) your use of the service;
(b) your user content;
(c) any feedback you provide;
(d) your violation of these terms;
(e) your violation of any rights of any other personor entity. We reserve the right, at our expense, toassume the exclusive defense and control of anymatter otherwise subject to indemnification by you and, in such case, you agree to cooperate with ourdefense of such claim.
9. Feedback
We value your feedback and welcome your suggestions, ideas, or other feedback on theservice ("Feedback"). lf you provide us with feedback, you grant us a non-exclusive, royalty free, perpetual, irrevocable, transferable, and fully sublicensable right to use, reproduce, modify,adapt, publish, translate, create derivative worksfrom, distribute, perform and display such feedback in any media, and to use the name thatyou submit in connection with such feedback if wechoose.We are under no obligation to provide compensation for the feedback or to respond toyour feedback.
10.Governing Law and Jurisdiction
These terms and your use of the service will be governed by and construed in accordance with thelaws of Hong Kong. Any dispute arising from or inconnection with these terms or the service shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong
11. Severability
If any provision of these terms is held to be invalidor unenforceable, such provision shall be enforcedto the maximum extent permissible, and theremaining provisions shall continue in full forceand effect.
12.Entire Agreement
These terms constitute the entire agreement between you and Jingzhou Chengsheng Technology Co., Ltd. regarding theuse of the service and supersede any prior agreements between you and Jingzhou Chengsheng Technology Co., Ltd. relating to youruse of the service.
13. Contact Us
If you have any questions about these terms,please contact us at [email protected] or atthe following address:
Shop B1 on the 1st floor, Building B, Jinjiang Baodi, Baiyun Road, Shashi District, Jingzhou City, Hubei Province